
We’ve just launched guided town walking tours in Shima Onsen!
SHIMA SPA GUIDE with PRO – Your ultimate fan guide to enjoying Shima Onsen.


The streets of Shima Onsen, which have even shone as Japan’s top retro hot spring town, are adorned with a long history, abundant nature, and the warm and cheerful local people.

I, a resident of Shima Onsen for over 40 years, will be your guide to this charming hot spring town.

What can you enjoy?

This is a walking tour of the hot spring town with a guide who has lived in Shima Onsen for over 40 years.

You can experience
– The atmosphere of a retro hot spring town.
– The history of Shima Onsen and hot spring culture.
– Encounter with local people.
– If you are lucky, you can also meet wild animals.
– Local sweets.

Tours in progress

Shima Onsen Retro Town Walking Tour with Some Local Sweets

Drinking Onsen Spot

This is a walking tour of a retro hot spring town that strongly retains the atmosphere of the Showa (’50s,’60s) era.
Witness the ancient methods of managing hot spring sources, and explore old towns and old roads not found in typical travel guide books.
Also you can experience some local sweets made in Shima Onsen town.

A guide has lived in Shima Onsen for over 40 years.

You can experience
– The atmosphere of a retro hot spring town.
– The history of Shima Onsen and hot spring culture.
– Encounter with local people.
– If you are lucky, you can also meet wild animals.
– Local sweets.

Coming Soon !

Shima Onsen Town Biking Tour with Pro
Private Tour with Pro



うららかな春、というよりは初夏を思わせる快晴の中、四万温泉街をご案内しました。 名残の桜、芽吹きはじめた新緑、そして四万ブルーの四万川を眺めながらゆっくりと温泉街を歩きました。途中、老舗の15代女将に出会ったり、足湯を楽しんだり、ガイド本に載っていない路地を歩き道祖神を見つけたりと、楽しい半日でした。 ご参加くださり、本当にありがとうございました。次回、四万温泉にお越しの際もどうぞよろしくお願いします。


Walking around Shima Onsen in quiet spring atmosphare with a couple from UK

We took our time to explore the Shima Onsen town in spring, where the cherry blossoms, fresh greenery, and “Shima blue” river water were beautiful. They had visited some hot spring resorts in Japan and were planning to visit other hot spring resorts after staying at Shima Onsen, so they listened to my explanation with […]

Onsen drinking

Walking with a Guy from US Colorado

Under a slightly cold and clear winter sky, we walked with a man from Colorado. He tried drinking hot springs first. During walking, we tasted some Japanese sweets.One of them is called “Yume Makura”.Yume Makura means dream pillow. This name is originates from the legend for onsen founding. And he said he wanted to go […]


Enjoyed an Autumn Walk with a Hawaiian Family

Under the nice weather,we took a walk with the guest who came from Hawaii through the hot spring town and the old main street while enjoying the remaining autumn leaves. They left this impression: We were so happy that we booked this tour. It was our first time visiting Shima Onsen, and this guided walking […]



栃木県の高校出身の仲良し同級生5名さまをご案内しました。 このメンバーで、何度もご旅行されているとのことで、終始笑い声に包まれて、私も楽しくご案内することができました。 先週、四万温泉特集が放送されたテレビ番組を見てくださった方もいらっしゃり「あっ、ここはテレビに出ていたお店!」と実際の四万温泉の様子を楽しんでいただけたご様子です。四万温泉に伝わる縁結びの摩耶姫伝説にちなんだキャラクター「摩耶姫ちゃん」のパネルでは皆さまかわるがわる顔を入れて笑顔で写真を撮られていました。 あいにくの雨の中、温泉街から旧第三小学校までの往復を歩いていただき、最終日を迎えた中之条ビエンナーレの作品も楽しく鑑賞していただきました。 さらに、飲泉所では温泉を味わっていただき、また、四万温泉の二つの和菓子店の温泉まんじゅうを食べ比べていただいたりと、盛りだくさんのツアーでした。 次回のご参加も心よりお待ちしています。


Past Tour

Appreciating the Nakanojo Biennale 2023 Art and Town Walking Tour.

Nakanojo Biennale
The Art at Old School

This is a walking tour of a retro hot spring town that strongly retains the atmosphere of the Showa (’50s,’60s) era and appreciating the contemporary art at the Nakanojo Biennale 2023.
Witness the ancient methods of managing hot spring sources, and explore old towns and old roads not found in typical travel guide books.
A guide has lived in Shima Onsen for over 40 years.
You can experience
– The atmosphere of a retro hot spring town.
– The history of Shima Onsen and hot spring culture.
– Encounter with local people.
– If you are lucky, you can also meet wild animals.
– Local sweets.
– Contemporary art at the Nakanojo Biennale 2023


Masuo Kashiwabara
Cheif Editor of Shima Onsen Travel Guide.
Former president of Shima Onsen Association.
Owner of Shima Onsen Kashiwaya Ryokan, Kashiwaya Cafe and Shima Terrace.
Born in Shima Onsen in 1961, living here for over 40 years.

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