
We’ve just launched guided town walking tours in Shima Onsen!
SHIMA SPA GUIDE with PRO – Your ultimate fan guide to enjoying Shima Onsen.


The streets of Shima Onsen, which have even shone as Japan’s top retro hot spring town, are adorned with a long history, abundant nature, and the warm and cheerful local people.

I, a resident of Shima Onsen for over 40 years, will be your guide to this charming hot spring town.

What can you enjoy?

This is a walking tour of the hot spring town with a guide who has lived in Shima Onsen for over 40 years.

You can experience
– The atmosphere of a retro hot spring town.
– The history of Shima Onsen and hot spring culture.
– Encounter with local people.
– If you are lucky, you can also meet wild animals.
– Local sweets.

Tours in progress

Shima Onsen Retro Town Walking Tour with Some Local Sweets

Drinking Onsen Spot

This is a walking tour of a retro hot spring town that strongly retains the atmosphere of the Showa (’50s,’60s) era.
Witness the ancient methods of managing hot spring sources, and explore old towns and old roads not found in typical travel guide books.
Also you can experience some local sweets made in Shima Onsen town.

A guide has lived in Shima Onsen for over 40 years.

You can experience
– The atmosphere of a retro hot spring town.
– The history of Shima Onsen and hot spring culture.
– Encounter with local people.
– If you are lucky, you can also meet wild animals.
– Local sweets.

Coming Soon !

Shima Onsen Town Biking Tour with Pro
Private Tour with Pro


時間がゆったり流れる四万温泉 / A town with a slower, more peaceful atmosphere

埼玉県からお越しのなかよしご夫婦をご案内させていただきました。 四万温泉は初めてとのことで、レトロな商店、飲食店、四万川などの自然風景、旧第三小学校などを興味深くご覧いただきました。他の大きな温泉地と違い、ゆっくりとした時間が流れる四万温泉の雰囲気を堪能していただくとができました。 途中、四万温泉発祥伝説にちなんだ銘菓「夢まくら」と、「温泉あげまん」のスイーツも味わっていただきました。 四万温泉のファンになっていただけたら嬉しいです。ご一緒できて、私もとても楽しいひと時を過ごすことができました。ありがとうございました。 I had the pleasure of guiding a lovely couple visiting from Saitama Prefecture. It was their first time in Shima Onsen, and they enjoyed exploring the retro shops, restaurants, the natural scenery along the Shima River, and the historic Third Elementary School. Unlike larger hot spring resorts, Shima Onsen offers a […]


Exploring the Shima Onsen Town with Guests from Three Countries

We had the pleasure of guiding guests from Norway, Germany, and the United States on a tour of Shima Onsen town. After staying in large cities like Tokyo and Osaka, they really appreciated the quiet and peaceful atmosphere of Shima Onsen. They enjoyed a relaxing foot bath, visited the oldest Ryokan in Shima Onsen, and […]



四万温泉に何十回となくお越しの四万温泉通のお客さまと初秋の四万温泉をゆっくりお散歩しました。 カメラ撮影がご趣味とのことで、本格一眼レフで撮影しながらのお散歩。スタート時は薄曇りで涼しく歩きやすい日となりそうでしたが、どんどん気温が上昇し、2人とも大汗をかいてしまいました。 ご参加くださいまして、ありがとうございました。次回のお越しも心よりお待ちしています。 We took a leisurely walk through Shima Onsen in early autumn with a guest who has visited the area dozens of times and truly knows it inside out. As photography is one of his hobby, he brought along a professional DSLR camera to capture the scenery as we strolled. The day started […]


Explore Shima Onsen: Award-Winning Guided Tours Await You

We are thrilled to announce that our walking tour, “Shima Spa Guide with Pro,” hosted by the Shima Onsen Travel Guide, has been selected by the Gunma Tourism and International Association as the “Best Project of Gunma 2024.” This guided tour, which started during the modern art festival, the Nakanojo Biennale, allows guests to explore […]



四万温泉に何十回とお越しで、四万温泉のことを知り尽くしていらっしゃるSさまをご案内しました。 今回は、通常のコースより距離を長めに取り、四万温泉柏屋旅館を出発し、山口、桐の木平、新湯を歩き旧道を経由して四万温泉柏屋旅館に戻るおよそ5kmのコースを歩きました。 Sさまは、四万温泉の人々や四万温泉を舞台にした映画やドラマなどにとてもお詳しく、こちらが勉強になることもたくさんありました。 私から新しくお伝えできることはあるのかな? と少々心配でしたが、初めて訪れる場所、初めて通る路地、昭和50年ごろの温泉街の様子などもご案内でき、また、温泉の湧出や管理などについてもお話しできて喜んでいただけました。 途中、四万川を眺めながらのおやつタイムも挟み、初夏の四万温泉街散歩を楽しんでいただけました。 ご参加くださり、本当にありがとうございました。次回、四万温泉にお越しの際もどうぞよろしくお願いします。


Past Tour

Appreciating the Nakanojo Biennale 2023 Art and Town Walking Tour.

Nakanojo Biennale
The Art at Old School

This is a walking tour of a retro hot spring town that strongly retains the atmosphere of the Showa (’50s,’60s) era and appreciating the contemporary art at the Nakanojo Biennale 2023.
Witness the ancient methods of managing hot spring sources, and explore old towns and old roads not found in typical travel guide books.
A guide has lived in Shima Onsen for over 40 years.
You can experience
– The atmosphere of a retro hot spring town.
– The history of Shima Onsen and hot spring culture.
– Encounter with local people.
– If you are lucky, you can also meet wild animals.
– Local sweets.
– Contemporary art at the Nakanojo Biennale 2023


Masuo Kashiwabara
Cheif Editor of Shima Onsen Travel Guide.
Former president of Shima Onsen Association.
Owner of Shima Onsen Kashiwaya Ryokan, Kashiwaya Cafe and Shima Terrace.
Born in Shima Onsen in 1961, living here for over 40 years.

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